Smart move for everything genomics.
Arkgene Cloud Platform Solutions.

Scientific Expertise 2017-10-04T22:49:32+00:00
Supporting your scientific journey with data-driven innovations

With more than two decades of experience and numerous impactful scientific publications and counting, we understand your needs. Our team of genomics and bioinformatics experts is ready not only in supporting you but work together with you to deliver seamless convergence, bespoked customisation and analytics.

We help keep your data online.

The Genome Sciences team has deep expertise in bioinformatics and molecular biology research, thus we understand your explicit needs in answering biological questions.  In addition, we have software engineering and computer science team which has vast experience in designing tailor-made biological software and database.We work closely with your organisation or institution at all levels to maximise the output of your data-driven research projects.

The Genome Sciences team has completed more than 1,000 genomes and transcriptomes as contract or collaborative research, covering multi-discipline research such as human genetics, animals and plants, bacteria, virus, fungi and algae. We have published more than 30 scientific publications in high impact journals, covering all fields of life sciences, omics technology, pipeline optimisation and software development.

The future of technology is now open. Talk to our consultant.
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